To begin the registration process with NVWF, click on the "REGISTER: NVWF 2024-2025 Wrestlers Registration ->" button above
NVWF Registration Timeline
To participate in a Tournament new wrestlers must be registered in NVWF on or before the Wednesday (1st Tournament is Monday) 12:00 noon before the Sunday Tournament!
Wrestlers Age will be their age on 12/31/2024
6U - Bantam
8U - Midget
10U - Junior
12U - Intermediate
14U - Senior
*Please note all wrestlers must have a USA Wrestling card in order to practice- NO EXCEPTIONS!
Season will consist of regular season Tournaments plus a Championship Final Tournament at the end of the year. The Tournaments begin in December and go through the end of February. (Occasionally extends to first week in March)
To look up the details of a completed NVWF 2024-2025 Wrestlers Registration registration please type in all details exactly as they appear on the final registration.
Click to view all of your completed registrations.