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To begin the registration process with NVWF, click on the "REGISTER: NVWF 2024-2025 Wrestlers Registration ->" button above

NVWF Registration Timeline

To participate in  a Tournament new wrestlers must be registered in NVWF on or before the Wednesday (1st Tournament is Monday) 12:00 noon before the Sunday Tournament!

Wrestlers Age will be their age on 12/31/2024

6U - Bantam

8U - Midget

10U - Junior

12U - Intermediate

14U - Senior

*Please note all wrestlers must have a USA Wrestling card in order to practice- NO EXCEPTIONS!

Season  will consist  of regular season Tournaments plus a Championship Final Tournament at the end of the year. The Tournaments begin in  December and go through the end of February. (Occasionally extends to first week in March)


NVWF 2024-2025 Wrestlers Registration Lookup

To look up the details of a completed NVWF 2024-2025 Wrestlers Registration registration please type in all details exactly as they appear on the final registration.

Click to view all of your completed registrations.